VISION Team at the European Sociological Association conference
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VISION Team at the European Sociological Association conference

Porto, 27-30 August 2024

VISION Team members will be representing the project at the European Sociological Association (ESA) conference in Porto, between 27 and 30 August 2024. If you are attending the conference please join us for our presentations:

Blueprint for the Future: Insights from Artistic and Creative Collaborative Research with Migrants and Cross-border Workers

Piotr Goldstein, Iepke Rijcken, Magdalena Nowicka

Session Details:

JS_RN02_RN20_T02: Methods in the Arts: Collaborative and Material Methods (I)
Time: 28/Aug/2024: 2:30pm-4:00pm

Unfolding Convivial Futures from Liminal Positions: the Case Study of Transitions in the German-Polish Border Region

Magdalena Nowicka, Piotr Goldstein

Session Details:

RN36_T05: Borders and (semi)peripheries
Time: 29/Aug/2024: 11:00am-12:30pm

Embedding Cross-border Labor Mobility into Socio-Ecological Transformation: Exploring Mobility Infrastructurization At The German-Polish Border

Kyoko Shinozaki, Iepke Rijcken

Session Details:

RS11_T09: Crises, Residential Preferences and Spatial Mobilities
Time: 30/Aug/2024: 2:30pm-4:00pm

Cross-Border Commuting in the Polish-German Border Region: A Mobility Infrastructure Perspective

Iepke M. Rijcken

Session Details:

RN35_T09_02: Interconnections between Geographical and social mobility
Time: 30/Aug/2024: 2:30pm-4:00pm