Congratulations from VISION!
Congratulations from VISION!

Congratulations from VISION!

We are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of Bettina Steinlechner and Julia Prohaska, two sociology students from Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, on the completion of their BA theses!

Bettina Steinlechner’s thesis, titled “Wie können Klimaaktivist*innen mobilisiert werden, sich in sozialen Bewegungen gegen die Tesla Gigafactory in Grünheide, Deutschland, zu engagieren? Eine soziologische Analyse anhand der Framing-Theorie,” explored how to mobilize climate activists against Tesla’s Gigafactory in Grünheide.

Julia Prohaska’s thesis, titled “Der Einfluss disruptiver Taktiken auf die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Klimaaktivist*innen,” examined how disruptive tactics affect the public’s perception of climate activists.

Their work was part of the seminar “Sociology of Sustainability: Socio-ecological transformation in the context of cross-border labour mobility,” which included an excursion to Berlin/Brandenburg. Both students focused on the activism revolting against the expansion of Tesla’s Gigafactory.